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  • Writer's pictureDr. Kari Young

The Gut & Drainage Pathways

It is human nature to want to remove the interference as quickly as possible once you become aware of what is happening in your body. However, doing this too quickly or without first preparing the body can result in retoxification and more severe symptoms.

So, by now, you understand that cellular inflammation causes the cells not to work properly and is the root cause of all symptoms and/or autoimmune and chronic disease.

To prepare your body to successfully remove toxins at the cellular level, you must first open all drainage pathways.

Detoxing without opening the drainage pathways causes your body to trap the toxins, and they will have no way out. As a result of your body being unable to keep up with the detox, you will experience a flare-up of many possible symptoms, including main detox reactions. Going too fast is not beneficial and does not remove toxins at that deep cellular level.

The real secret lies in opening all the drainage pathways first. Though it may seem time-consuming, this crucial step is the key to a successful and efficient detox. This will make it easier and will accelerate the detox process once your body is ready to begin the detox.

The drainage pathways include the colon, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, kidneys, and lymph. Getting these working optimally first will ensure your detox is successful.

Addressing any gut health issues is key to this. The bowels must move 2-3x/day to ensure the colon is in good working order. This will allow you to access the other detox organs and keep the toxins moving out of your body.

Doing drainage pathways protocols for 1-3 months will prepare you for the next phase, detoxing at the cellular level.

Based on twin studies, we now know that 5% of autoimmune conditions are genetics, and the other 95% are environmental.  


Gluten sensitivity is caused by the denatured protein found in grains. This can cause tears in the gut lining, leading to leaky gut, inflammation, and autoimmunity. Leading to include infertility, immune dysfunction, allergic reactions, accelerated aging, insulin dysregulation, organ malfunction, and digestive dysfunction. 

Gut dysfunction is related to the poor microbiome, which determines your health, and is directly linked to symptoms and disease. 

When the digestive system is damaged, it can lead to improper nutrient absorption and increased toxic substances in the body and affect the brain, since the gut is known as the 2nd brain.


The modern world is full of environmental toxins, which play a role in developing autoimmune conditions.  It is estimated that there are over 80,000 toxic chemicals used regularly in the US.  There are over 500 chemicals stored in our bodies, and the average individual has at least seven pesticides tested in their urine.  

It is imperative to know how to minimize these toxins in your life. Then, you need to learn how to get them out of your body properly at the cellular level.

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Chronic, low-grade stress is a modern-day epidemic that creates sluggish metabolism, chronic inflammation, and abnormal immunity. Elevated stress hormone levels can create digestive problems and leaky gut syndrome, increased appetite, weight gain, thyroid disorders, and accelerated brain degeneration.

Learning how to reduce daily stress is important for our health. Having a daily practice to lower mental and emotional stress will allow the body to repair, restore, detox and heal.


Chronic parasitic infections are linked with intestinal permeability and leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular bowel movements, malabsorption, gastritis, acid reflux, skin disorders, joint pain, seasonal and food allergies, and decreased immunity.

Other major infections include herpes, Lyme disease, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, H pylori, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and candida overgrowth. There are many others, and they all drain the immune system and cause abnormal reactions that can result in autoimmune conditions.

The gut is responsible for 80% of the immune system. When the immune system is unhealthy, you either get low or overactive immunity, which can lead to autoimmunity.

Poor bacterial balance or dysbiosis is associated with every digestive tract disorder, autoimmune conditions, and psychological and behavioral issues. The health of the body and mind is especially dependent upon the health of the human microbiome.

Must FIX the Gut in 3 Parts

Reset gut pathogens

Rebuild gut lining

Repopulate gut microbiome

There are over 2,000 strains, and a probiotic can not fix it because it only contains up to 20 strains.

Learn how to heal your gut in 3 phases, and open up all your drainage pathways.

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