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Types AI Disease.png

Autoimmune Disease has become an epidemic worldwide with more than 100 types that have been identified. 


Once your body is attacked by just one type of Autoimmune Disease, it creates the perfect environment for another to be triggered on. It is very common for people with one type to develop multiple types, if not addressed. Healing your first Autoimmune Disease is critical.


Common Symptoms of Autoimmune


Poor Gut Health.  Constipation. Diarrhea. Food sensitivities. Bloating. Poor digestion.

Skin Conditions.  Rashes. Eczema. Psoriasis. Dermatitis. Rosacea. Acne.

Respiratory Issues. Asthma. Allergies. Dry mouth. Frequent colds.

Brain Challenges. Brain fog. Anxiety. Poor Memory. Headaches. Attention deficit.

Thyroiditis. Fatigue. Hyperactivity. Temperature sensitivity. Poor weight management. 

Chronic Pain. Muscle & joint pain.  Stiffness. Overall pain. Chronic inflammation.

Adrenals & Energy Issues. Chronic fatigue. Wired and tired. 


The most frustrating aspect of Autoimmune is that the medical community has classified these diseases as idiopathic. 





1.  relating to or denoting any disease or condition which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown.


In other words, common medical thinking is that there is no known cause for Autoimmune. Patients are prescribed medications designed to treat symptoms, and are given very little hope of ever improving. 


Nearly all people suffering with autoimmune disorders have something in common: poor gut health, as the gut is responsible for 80% of our immune system. Scientist have discovered that we have around 2,000 different strains of bacteria in our gut. A typical probiotic can have up to 20 different strains, so it is only part of fixing a gut. In fact at times taking a probiotic can make the problem worse if you are suffering from SIBO and that it needs to be addressed first in order to resolve the problem.


Unfortunately, even if you get a diagnosis of autoimmune disorder, the usual treatment typically kills the immune system with steroids or immune suppressing drugs.  These approaches are designed to slow the autoimmune process, when the problem is actually a poor immune system.


We find the true cause, and address the interferences upstream to solve the problem.  The solution is to fix the cell, remove interferences, and turn the bad gene back off and the good genes on.


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