Since 1975, obesity rates have increased globally by 300%. We are fatter, sicker, and are dying more and more due to obesity, which is preventable. More people die of being overweight than they do of being underweight.
Billions of dollars are spent on weight loss programs by people searching for the solution of their weight-loss resistance. These programs are usually quick fixes, or fads, and can be detrimental to our health. Weight-loss resistance is treated as a symptom of a larger health problem, as opposed to a goal in itself.
Even the advice dispensed from “experts”, such as dieticians, personal trainers are often misleading and wrong. They often recommend eating the wrong foods and eating too frequently.
The root cause of weight-loss resistance must be addressed in order for the body to be able to self-regulate to normal weight. Our bodies are meant to be a normal weight, and a focus on cellular health will allow the body to heal on its own.
The Root Cause of Weight-Loss Resistance
The root cause of weight-loss resistance is cellular inflammation (toxins). Weight-loss resistance occurs when hormones are prevented from permeating the cell membrane and are not able to reach mitochondria. When hormones are not functioning properly, the result is weight-loss resistance.
Our body’s innate intelligence is designed to protect itself from damage and disease. When we suffer from cellular inflammation, the body stores toxins in the fat in order to prevent them from damaging its vital organs. Once those toxins are targeted and removed from the cellular level, the body will then feel safe enough to let go of the weight.
Don’t Focus on Losing Weight
Many people focus on losing weight as a primary goal, as opposed to focusing on the actual cause of the weight problem. Weight-loss resistance is just a symptom, and the proper goal should be to optimize cellular health. The body is one interconnected system, made up of 70 trillion cells, and once those cells are healthy, the body’s weight will normalize naturally.
One of my clients came to me with severe kidney disease. She was quite young, and very scared about having to go on dialysis. Although she was also overweight, her overwhelming focus was on her kidney health. We focused on the root cause of her disease, and drastically improved her cellular health. In just a few months, she shared during a visit that she had lost 25 pounds. She was thrilled at the amazing side effects of good health.
Many people, including doctors, focus on symptoms or symptom suppression. This is the reason they prescribe so many medicines, and people end up with the wrong solution for life. For long-term weight regulation, cellular health is the only solution. Our bodies are smart, and they cannot be tricked with crash dieting for long term weight regulation.
Skinny fat is not healthy either, which is having low weight coupled with 30% or more BMI (Body Mass Index). Not enough lean body mass means poor mitochondria health and lack of cellular energy.
Test Your Knowledge - Fact or Fiction?
Most of us have been taught the wrong lessons, as it pertains to health. In the U.S., we are constantly being taught the wrong information at school, through the USDA’s food pyramid (now MyPlate), our healthcare professionals, etc.
Test your own knowledge by answering Fact or Fiction to each of the following questions:
Avoid fat
Lose weight by restricting and counting calories
Eat 5-6 small meals per day to rev up your metabolism and energy
Carb load before an athletic event to store energy for the next day
Eat less
Exercise more
Eat more whole grains
If you answered Fiction to each myth above - you scored 100%. The advice above is what many people hear and believe, and none of it addresses the actual root cause of the weight issue in the first place.
5 Solutions to Achieve Ideal Lean Body Mass
The only permanent solution to achieving ideal lean body mass and optimal health is to address the metabolic issue. Implementing fad diets or the poor advice discussed earlier will result in only temporary weight loss and continued poor health.
1. Keto Diet
The Keto Diet is a scientifically-proven way to lose weight. The concept is to switch your body from sugar-burner to fat-burner. Most people are sugar-burners, although our bodies are designed to be fat-burners.
A body in sugar-burning mode means that the person is eating too frequently, too many carbs, too many grains, and not enough good fat. All of this causes inflammation and premature aging.
A keto diet will help switch your body to fat-burning; and, once you achieve this, you will no longer crave sugar and your body will be burning its own fat stores instead.
2. Eat Good Fat
Use healthy good fats to feed your cells and brain. Limit carbs, and when you do eat carbs, only consume healthy carbs.
A 2009 Study from Harvard School of Public Health showed the more vegetable oils (bad fat) the women in the study ate, the worse their atherosclerosis became. The irony of the study was the more saturated fat (good fat) they ate, the less their atherosclerosis progressed; and the highest levels of saturated fat eaten actually reversed their condition over time.
3. Ketosis
I recommend that clients cycle in and out of ketosis, as opposed to trying to stay in ketosis continually. Ketosis variation helps to train your body to remember that it is not starving. You can achieve this seasonally, monthly, weekly or daily. On average, it can take 1-4 weeks to get into ketosis.
4. Diet Variation
The concept of diet variation is similar to the concept of changing up your workouts. We want our body to be able to constantly adapt, and to not get used to the same thing over and over.
Following a seasonal diet is a great way to do this, and changing your food strategy is also important. Getting enough clean organic animal protein is essential to support lean body mass
5. Fast
Fasting helps the body to lose weight and keep it off, by fixing the cells and mitochondria through autophagy. Intermittent and block fasting gets you into ketosis quicker by using up your stored glucose, then forcing the body to adapt to using fat as its primary and preferred fuel.